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Monzen’s view on ‘Drug Lag’ phenomenon occurred in Japan
Many of the drugs, used by millions of people throughout the world, are not available in Japan. Moreover, Japan is one of the few countries in the world where it takes the longest time for new drugs to be licensed. This is known as a ‘Drug Lag’ phenomenon.
The ‘Drug Lag’ phenomenon in Japan restricts the use of the drugs needed for medical treatments as well as medical services for patients. Japan has been prohibiting many drugs to be used in particular cases, while those drugs are freely allowed in other countries. As a result, there is not much opportunity in the development of the medical field in Japan now.
Followed by the ‘Drug Lag’ phenomenon, Monzen Corporation was established to improve the environment of the medical field in Japan.
Our goal is to become ‘the best drug supplier of Japan’
Monzen Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rakuten Group, Inc. Kenko.com, which used to be the parent company of Monzen Corporation and now is a part of Rakuten Group, was the biggest Japanese online store selling health-related products with a motto, ‘contribute to customer’s everyday health’. As listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange since 2004, Kenko.com has been strictly following the regulations of Japanese government while maintaining corporate governance. We are confident that Kenko.com has been offering safe and reliable products for the customers. Monzen Corporation shares the same ethics.
We, Mozen Corporation, support clients as a substitute in importing drugs that are not permitted in Japan but allowed in other countries. We guarantee that we will do our best to provide good quality services for our clients.
Message for doctors
Monzen Corporation can help you import medical supplies that are unlicensed in Japan. We will work on all the processes necessary for importation, including searching drugs throughout the world, and commit to carrying out the complicated procedures to the successful end. We will surely obey regulations of each country and offer the drugs needed for medical treatments from abroad.
Message for patients
Overseas drugs must be safely used under prescriptions of doctors. If you need unlicensed drugs to be used for treatments, please ask your doctor for a medical opinion first, and then request the doctor to order our products according to your needs. We recommend that you consult with your doctor thoroughly before you make any decision so that you can avoid risks and side effects.
Message for suppliers
Unfortunately there’s no such institution in Japan to permit the use of unlicensed drugs for ‘compassionate use’. As a result, there is a lack of sufficient information about unlicensed drugs in Japan, and it is becoming problematic for Japan’s medical services. Monzen Corporation is attempting to provide the sufficient information for our clients.
We would greatly appreciate your suggestions or inquiries about our company or products at any time.
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